工場跡 事務室(荷造室)
宿直や事務をしていた畳の部屋で、現存している青図には「事務室」と書かれていました。10畳のちいさなスペースですが、工場に残っていた備品をしつらいに取り入れ、お一人でも寛いでいただける温かみのある空間です。 隣の「荷造室」は出荷作業をする部屋でした。柱や土壁が黒く煤けているのは、石炭ストーヴを焚きながら作業をしていたためです。椅子席で喫茶を楽しんでいただけます。
This room is a ten-mat tatami room and used as our office and night duty room. It was written “office” in the old blueprint. We put some pieces of old equipment in this room which were used in the factory. We’re happy if you can feel relaxed and comfortable here. The next room was used for packing the goods for shipment. You can see the wooden pillars and the mud wall smoke-sooty, for the stuff were working with a coal stove in the cold seasons. We hope you can enjoy teatime in this different type room with tables and chairs.
We hope you enjoy your precious morning time at this café Kojoato-Jimushitsu.
You can reserve seats for morning set menu through the button below.
Breakfast plate